Posts tagged disneyclassic
Disney Villain Reference Models - Who Are They?

Ever wonder who the Disney villains were modeled after? I dive into some of the most famous villains of all time and the real people behind the inspiration for them. Learn more here.

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Snow White, As Told By the Brothers Grimm

Did you know the story of Snow White had been around for over 100 years before the Disney film came out? There’s a lot of things Disney changed when retelling the story, one of them being the added kiss from the prince in the end… so how is the original told? Find out here.

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Kinect: Disneyland Adventures

Disneyland Adventures is a 2011 Xbox Kinect game that allows you to wander the Anaheim park, meet characters, visit attractions, and complete tasks. Learn more about what you can do on it, how successful it was, and my personal review.

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If Disneyland was Pixarland

Ever wondered what it would be like if you could design your own theme park? In this post, I design my own Pixarland, and describe all of the attractions that I think would fit perfectly into it to celebrate the films.

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E-Ticket: Space Mountain

Another E-Ticket post about Space Mountain! Learn about when the idea was brought up by Walt, when they actually started building and the inspiration behind it, the grand openings in both parks, and how fast the coaster really is.

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A Quick History Lesson: The Disney Eras

Have you ever heard of the Disney eras? What are they? What makes each one different, and which films are in each? Here, I give a quick history lesson about why they are all different, and what films marked major changed for the Walt Disney company.

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Characters You Didn't Know Were Voiced by the Same Person (Part Two)

Part 2 of characters you didn’t know were voiced by the same people! I find this topic so interesting, and Disney has housed so many legends over the years that I’m sure I’ll be able to find more for a part 3! For now, check out part 2 here:

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One Year Anniversary - My Blog Turns 1!

My blog is officially one years old! Although I didn’t move to this website until January 2020, I’ve been running under The Disney Classics for one year now. It’s been one of my favourite projects, kept me busy when I was feeling unproductive, and I’ve learned so much and felt so welcomed. Love this community, thank you.

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Why Alice Changed The Fate of Disney Forever

When thinking about what characters and movies impacted the Disney company the most, most people turn to Snow White, or Cinderella. Alice is often overlooked, but it’s important to remember that we would not have the company at all today if it wasn’t for Walt’s fascination with the character. Find out more about how Alice in Wonderland changed the fate of the company forever.

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Characters You Didn't Know Were Voiced by the Same Person

Have you ever heard familiar voices, but from different movies? A lot of the times we believe characters have all their own unique voices, and in some cases this is true, but what some of us may not know is a lot of our favourite characters are all voiced by the same person. Read more about who has played multiple Disney roles here.

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The Disneyland Medallion

Are you a Disneyland souvenir collector? The Disneyland medallion is the perfect piece of history from the park that has been sold for decades, the only problem is that some of the earlier ones don’t have dates on them. Read more to find out how I found out mine was from when Walt was around.

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Buzz Lightyear Visited the International Space Station

In 2008, a real life Buzz Lightyear action figure was launched into space and landed at the International Space Station where it stayed for over a year. The action figure now lives in the Smithsonian Museum. But why Buzz? Why did they do it? What happened in space? Find out here.

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Why is Cinderella the Leader of the Princesses?

Somehow over the years we’ve all collectively agreed that Cinderella is the leader of the princesses, but why? She wasn’t the first princess, there’s nothing significant about her story, and she wasn’t the biggest box office success. However, if we look into her and Walt’s past, we can find out more. Read here.

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Is Tangled just a Remake of Aladdin?

Have you ever realized Tangled is very, very similar to Aladdin? A story of a princess locked away from the world, when she encounters a local thief, who she falls in love with and gets to see the world with. Do you agree? Read more of the similarities here.

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Wasteland Versus Disneyland, Disney's Dark Version (Disney's Epic Mickey Part 2)

Disney’s Epic Mickey video game shows Mickey’s adventures through Cartoon Wasteland, which is a copy of Disneyland filled with forgotten about characters. Many of the lands are modeled after real life Disneyland lands. Do you see the similarities?

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